Brena Cardozo

Photo of Brena Cardozo
Age 31
Gender Male
Height 5' 5"
Weight Class Flyweight

Brena Cardozo is a MMA fighter with a professional fight record of 9 wins, 5 losses and 0 draws

Professional Career Statistics

Pro Record 9-5-0 (Win-Loss-Draw)
Career Length 5 months, 22 days
Rounds Fought 28.3
Avg. Fights/Year 3.2
Longest Layoff 7 months, 25 days
Quickest Turnaround 2 weeks, 0 days

Record BreakDown

Wins 3 1 5
Losses 1 0 4
Finish Rate 44.4%
Finished Rate 20.0%
Win by Decision Rate 55.6%
Loss by Decision Rate 80.0%
Win by KO Rate 33.3%
Loss by KO Rate 20.0%
Win by SUB Rate 11.1%
Loss by SUB Rate 0.0%
Win Method
Loss Method

Quick Hits

Fastest Win -
Fastest KO -
Fastest SUB 16
Ave. Rounds (Ws) 1.6
Ave. Length of Fight (Ws) 08:02
Ave. Rounds (Ls) 2.8
Ave. Length of Fight (Ls) 13:50
Finish Rounds
Finished Rounds

Official Professional MMA Fight Record

Date Opponent Weightclass Method Round Time
NRB 08/24/2024 L
Layze Cerqueira
FLY Decision (Unanimous Decision)
Jungle Fight 129
3 05:00
NRB 05/25/2024 L
Elora Dana
FLY TKO/RSC (Referee Stoppage from Punches)
Jungle Fight 126
2 04:10
NRB 10/28/2023 W
Layze Cerqueira
FLY Decision (Unanimous Decision)
Jungle Fight 121
5 05:00
NRB 03/07/2023 W
Maria Artyukhina
FLY Decision (Unanimous Decision)
MMA Series 63
3 05:00
NRB 12/04/2022 W
Carolina Jimenez
FLY Decision (Unanimous Decision)
Favela Kombat: The Conqueror vs Favela Kombat
3 05:00
NRB 10/09/2022 W
Beatriz Franca
Favela Kombat 39
3 05:00
NRB 07/29/2022 L
Klaudia Sygula
Decision (Unanimous Decision)
Armia Fight Night 14
3 05:00
NRB 12/04/2021 L
Rayla Nascimento
Decision (Split Decision)
Arena Global 15
3 05:00
NRB 10/30/2021 L
Gisele Moreira
SW Decision
Standout Fighting Tournament 31
3 05:00
OFF 07/18/2021 W
Vania Caceres
( 125.6 vs. 126.0 )
Decision (Unanimous Decision)
Legacy Fighting Alliance 112 (LFA 112)
3 05:00
NRB 03/27/2021 W
Karina Oliveira
Decision (Unanimous Decision)
Rio MMA Fight Night
3 05:00
NRB 03/13/2021 W
Geovanna Felix
Submission (Injury)
DM Fight 2
1 00:16
NRB 09/05/2020 W
Larissa Bullet
Jacara Fight Combat 2
1 05:00
OFF 03/01/2020 W
Leticia Power
( 125.0 vs. 128.0* )
TKO/RSC (Referee Stoppage from Strikes)
Shooto Brazil Grand Prix I
1 02:06

* Bouts marked with 'OFF' denote results which have been verified by an ABC-recognized athletic commission. Bouts marked with an SB denote bouts overseen by a duly-recognized sanctioning organization. Bouts marked NRB denote non-regulated bouts.

* Bouts marked with an (*) are considered exhibition bouts and do not count towards the fighter's record

* Weights marked with an (*) denote those over the limit for the weight class

Amateur Career Statistics

AM Record 2-1-0 (Win-Loss-Draw)
Career Length 2 days
Rounds Fought 9.0
Avg. Fights/Year 1.0
Longest Layoff 1 day
Quickest Turnaround 1 day

Record BreakDown

Wins 0 0 2
Losses 0 0 0
Finish Rate 0.0%
Finished Rate 0.0%
Win by Decision Rate 100.0%
Loss by Decision Rate 0.0%
Win by KO Rate 0.0%
Loss by KO Rate 0.0%
Win by SUB Rate 0.0%
Loss by SUB Rate 0.0%
Win Method
Loss Method

Quick Hits

Fastest Win 09
Fastest KO -
Fastest SUB -
Ave. Rounds (Ws) 3.0
Ave. Length of Fight (Ws) 09
Ave. Rounds (Ls) 3.0
Ave. Length of Fight (Ls) 09
Finish Rounds
Finished Rounds

Official Amateur MMA Fight Record

Date Opponent Weightclass Method Round Time
NRB 11/14/2019 Unknown
Shauna Bannon
BW Unknown
3 03:00
NRB 11/13/2019 W
Sora Rakhmonova
BW Decision (Split Decision)
3 03:00
NRB 11/12/2019 W
Kim Amprazis
BW Decision (Unanimous Decision)
3 03:00

* Bouts marked with 'OFF' denote results which have been verified by an ABC-recognized athletic commission. Bouts marked with an SB denote bouts overseen by a duly-recognized sanctioning organization. Bouts marked NRB denote non-regulated bouts.

* Bouts marked with an (*) are considered exhibition bouts and do not count towards the fighter's record

* Weights marked with an (*) denote those over the limit for the weight class