Andrey Vlasov

Photo of Andrey Vlasov
Gender Male

Andrey Vlasov is a MMA fighter with a professional fight record of 5 wins, 3 losses and 0 draws

Professional Career Statistics

Pro Record 5-3-0 (Win-Loss-Draw)
Career Length 1 month, 20 days
Rounds Fought 10.1
Avg. Fights/Year 2.0
Longest Layoff 1 year, 11 months, 21 days
Quickest Turnaround 1 month, 4 days

Record BreakDown

Wins 0 5 0
Losses 2 0 1
Finish Rate 100.0%
Finished Rate 66.7%
Win by Decision Rate 0.0%
Loss by Decision Rate 33.3%
Win by KO Rate 0.0%
Loss by KO Rate 66.7%
Win by SUB Rate 100.0%
Loss by SUB Rate 0.0%
Win Method
Loss Method

Quick Hits

Fastest Win 02:38
Fastest KO -
Fastest SUB 02:38
Ave. Rounds (Ws) 1.2
Ave. Length of Fight (Ws) 05:59
Ave. Rounds (Ls) 1.4
Ave. Length of Fight (Ls) 06:54
Finish Rounds
Finished Rounds

Official Professional MMA Fight Record

Date Opponent Weightclass Method Round Time
NRB 12/17/2016 L
Lukasz Witos
Spartan Fight 6
3 05:00
NRB 10/29/2016 W
Konstantin Veselkin
Submission (Knee Bar)
Industrials - Siberian Division 2
1 03:22
NRB 09/25/2015 L
Zalimkhan Yusupov
WW Decision (Unanimous Decision)
Fight Nights Dagestan 09/25/15
2 05:00
NRB 10/04/2013 W
Umar Chichaev
WW Submission (Arm Bar)
Battle on Terek
1 05:00
NRB 05/31/2013 W
Kanat Dzhakipbaev
Submission (Arm Bar)
Shield and Sword 4
1 03:55
NRB 04/27/2013 W
Alexey Belozertsev
Submission (Arm Bar)
Over Time II
1 02:38
NRB 12/22/2012 L
Danil Kuzmin
KO (Strike)
Siberian MMA Championship 2012
1 00:44
NRB 10/27/2012 W
Yaroslav Poborsky
Submission (Arm Bar)
Over Time 1
3 05:00

* Bouts marked with 'OFF' denote results which have been verified by an ABC-recognized athletic commission. Bouts marked with an SB denote bouts overseen by a duly-recognized sanctioning organization. Bouts marked NRB denote non-regulated bouts.

* Bouts marked with an (*) are considered exhibition bouts and do not count towards the fighter's record

* Weights marked with an (*) denote those over the limit for the weight class