Alex Wiebe

Photo of Alex Wiebe
Team Fight Center
Gender Male

Alex Wiebe is a MMA fighter with a professional fight record of 8 wins, 6 losses and 1 draws

Professional Career Statistics

Pro Record 8-6-1 (Win-Loss-Draw)
Career Length 3 months, 8 days
Rounds Fought 16.4
Avg. Fights/Year 2.9
Longest Layoff 2 years, 3 months, 4 days
Quickest Turnaround 2 weeks, 0 days

Record BreakDown

Wins 2 6 0
Losses 3 3 0
Finish Rate 100.0%
Finished Rate 100.0%
Win by Decision Rate 0.0%
Loss by Decision Rate 0.0%
Win by KO Rate 25.0%
Loss by KO Rate 50.0%
Win by SUB Rate 75.0%
Loss by SUB Rate 50.0%
Win Method
Loss Method

Quick Hits

Fastest Win 10
Fastest KO 10
Fastest SUB 23
Ave. Rounds (Ws) 0.6
Ave. Length of Fight (Ws) 02:46
Ave. Rounds (Ls) 1.5
Ave. Length of Fight (Ls) 07:27
Finish Rounds
Finished Rounds

Official Professional MMA Fight Record

Date Opponent Weightclass Method Round Time
NRB 06/05/2009 L
Raymond Jarman
Submission (Arm Bar)
Kenpokan - Fight Night 5
3 05:00
NRB 10/04/2008 W
Fatih Dogan
Submission (Guillotine Choke)
Strength and Honour 4
1 05:00
NRB 12/22/2007 W
Alan Omer
Submission (Guillotine Choke)
Fight Fiesta de Luxe 3
1 00:35
NRB 12/08/2007 L
Volker Dietz
Outsider Cup 7
2 05:00
NRB 09/22/2007 L
Morten Djursaa
Fighter Gala 5
1 05:00
NRB 06/18/2005 L
Imad Ahmad
Submission (Knee Injury)
Outsider-Cup 4: Rumble in the Cage
1 00:52
NRB 03/26/2005 L
Fatih Balci
Submission (Arm Bar)
Masters Fight Night 2
1 05:00
NRB 11/27/2004 W
Harun Kanberoglu
Submission (Strikes)
Outsider Cup 3
1 00:23
NRB 11/27/2004 W
Chris Rackley
Submission (Strikes)
Outsider Cup 3
1 00:35
NRB 11/27/2004 W
Harun Kanberoglu
Submission (Strikes)
Outsider-Cup 3: The Vale Tudo Challenge
1 00:23
NRB 11/27/2004 W
Chris Rackley
Submission (Strikes)
Outsider-Cup 3: The Vale Tudo Challenge
1 00:35
NRB 08/07/2004 W
Thomas Schwegler
TKO/RSC (Strikes)
Kombat Komplett 1
1 00:10
NRB 05/22/2004 L
Sonny Nielsen
TKO/RSC (Strikes)
European Vale Tudo 3: Inferno
2 03:53
NRB 05/08/2004 D
Raouf Omar
Masters Fight Night 1
3 00:00
NRB 02/28/2004 W
Sebastian Korschilgen
TKO/RSC (Punches)
Outsider-Cup 2
3 04:34

* Bouts marked with 'OFF' denote results which have been verified by an ABC-recognized athletic commission. Bouts marked with an SB denote bouts overseen by a duly-recognized sanctioning organization. Bouts marked NRB denote non-regulated bouts.

* Bouts marked with an (*) are considered exhibition bouts and do not count towards the fighter's record

* Weights marked with an (*) denote those over the limit for the weight class

Amateur Career Statistics

AM Record 3-0-0 (Win-Loss-Draw)
Career Length 4 weeks, 0 days
Rounds Fought 5.0
Avg. Fights/Year 1.0
Longest Layoff 4 weeks, 0 days
Quickest Turnaround 4 weeks, 0 days

Record BreakDown

Wins 1 2 0
Losses 0 0 0
Finish Rate 100.0%
Finished Rate 0.0%
Win by Decision Rate 0.0%
Loss by Decision Rate 0.0%
Win by KO Rate 33.3%
Loss by KO Rate 0.0%
Win by SUB Rate 66.7%
Loss by SUB Rate 0.0%
Win Method

Quick Hits

Fastest Win 05
Fastest KO 05
Fastest SUB 05
Ave. Rounds (Ws) 1.7
Ave. Length of Fight (Ws) 05
Ave. Rounds (Ls) 0.0
Ave. Length of Fight (Ls) -
Finish Rounds

Official Amateur MMA Fight Record

Date Opponent Weightclass Method Round Time
NRB 09/15/2007 W
Alan Omer
Submission (Guillotine Choke)
Fight Fiesta de Luxe 2: Hold Our Ground
1 05:00
NRB 08/18/2007 W
Robin Dutry
Fight Night (Europe): Fight Gala
1 05:00
NRB 08/18/2007 W
Jusuf Merma
Submission (Kimura)
Fight Night (Europe): Fight Gala
1 05:00

* Bouts marked with 'OFF' denote results which have been verified by an ABC-recognized athletic commission. Bouts marked with an SB denote bouts overseen by a duly-recognized sanctioning organization. Bouts marked NRB denote non-regulated bouts.

* Bouts marked with an (*) are considered exhibition bouts and do not count towards the fighter's record

* Weights marked with an (*) denote those over the limit for the weight class